Monday, May 18, 2020

In between work and family responsibilities, women might...

In between work and family responsibilities, women might not find a lot of time for exercise. That doesnt mean your health should suffer, because you can still get a good workout right at home. Your exercise routine should include aerobics, strength training, and stretching to promote flexibility (See References 1) Start with beginner exercises so you can gradually learn proper form and improve your fitness. Work Up a Sweat Exercise that increases your heart rate and breathing is known as aerobic exercise or cardio. It improves the health of your cardiovascular system and burns calories. If you have the tools at home, walking briskly on a treadmill, or riding a stationary bike, are effective forms of cardio. If you dont have fancy†¦show more content†¦Beginner stretches can include a quadriceps stretch during which your bring your ankle to your buttocks, a lower back stretch thats done by lying face up and bringing one knee into your chest, a shoulder stretch thats done by crossing one arm over your upper chest and lightly pulling it into your body, and a calf stretch during which youre in a split stance and lean forward while your feet stay flat on the floor. (See References 5) Frequency, Sets, Reps, and Safety Whether you do cardio, strength training or stretches, always do a five to 10-minute warm-up of light cardio beforehand. The Centers for Disease Control recommends doing 150 minutes of cardio a week, and strength training on two days. (See References 6) Stretches are ideally done two to three times a week. Cardio can be split up into three, 10-minute sessions over the day. For instance, do 10 minutes in the morning before the kids wake up; 10 minutes after dropping the kids off at school; and 10 minutes after putting them to sleep. Start strength training with one set of eight to 12 reps, and as you get stronger, add one or two more sets. As for stretching, avoid bouncing while you stretch, and hold each stretch at least 30 seconds. (See References 4) If you have a health condition or injury, get clearance from your doctor before exercising. Key Concepts women beginner exercise women home exerciseShow MoreRelatedChildhood Obesity : Young And Oversized1320 Words   |  6 PagesCurrently, every one out of three kids is diagnosed as obese. Over the past years, obesity has highly increased in children and there are three things that lead to this issue; which are the consumption of fast foods, lack of physical activity, and certain family situations, like upbringing. 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